
Monday Rec League Message

Posted by Paul McNeil on Jun 18 2024 at 12:08PM PDT

Hi Monday Rec Ball Players

I have been asked by Borden to post the following message
to all the Monday Rec Players.

“Greetings to all you Field of Dreams Believers!

With so many of you showing an interest in the 2024 edition of Monday Recreational Dayball, enough to make it possible to expand to a four team league, your commitment has made this first month of play a unique and exciting one!

Coaches have been able to fill the gaps over the past couple of weeks with spares as a result of a few absences and maintain the level of play at a " casually competitive" intensity.

Now comes the next REALLY IMPORTANT aspect of keeping this level of competition going while also dealing with the challenge of smaller team rosters. Your supporting the action on the field with your regular attendance!

Of course, life happens and at our age there will be aches, pains, medical appointments, household obligations that crop up from time to time.

If you’re not able to make it out for a Monday of commaraderie then please let your coaches know in advance, preferably by the Friday before via an email, so that they’re not scrambling to make up a line up while also recruiting spares minutes before a game.

Let’s keep the momentum and fun of this expanded rec league going as there’s still lots of season left to play!!

Borden “

Thanks Borden,

Cheers Everyone
Paul M
CSMS 55 +


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