
2024 "A" Division Playoff Results

Posted by Paul McNeil on Sep 05 2024 at 02:05PM PDT

Hey League

For everyone that is not on our Leagues Facebook Page where all the Playoff Game info is regularly being Posted.
Here is the 2024 “A” Division Playoff Results.

Gold Medal Winners – The Dodgers
Silver Medal Winners – The Jays
Bronze Medal Winners – The Tigers
4th Place – The Brewers
5th Place – The Reds

Congratulations to All the Medal Winners !!

Great Season Everyone,

Paul M
CSMS 55+

The AA and AAA Playoffs are still underway. So no info is available yet for those divisions.


2024-09-05T14:34:56.000-07:00September 05 2024, at 02:34 PM PDT, Wayne Gus Carlson said:

I would like to thank the managers and coach’s of all the Div A teams
for their patience and to the concerns and welfare of their team and this Division
Dodgers – Jim Strain and Tom Matthews
Brewers – John Schmidt and Denis Cote
Reds – Don Jorgensen and Tom Guppy
Tigers – Ron Osborne and Bruce Kennedy
Jays – Garth Border

And an extra thanks to go out to the umpires that were used this year
Tracy, A.J., Geoff, Ed, Phil,
and a big thanks to all the players
regards Wayne Gus Carlson Div A rep