News and Announcements

Just a reminder. Tonights meeting starts at 7 but JTs is open at 5pm with a pub menu including a fabulous burger special.


Its time to celebrate our members who have been long time players/supporters of our league. Hope to see you at the General Meeting tomorrow where you will get a chance to congratulate this years class! Please come early [6-6:30 PM] to pick up your pin

Congratulations to all.

Last Name First Years Yr Started
Russell Bob 30 1994
Busko Lou 25 2000
Radmanovich Nick 25 2000
Taylor Peter 25 1999
Dvorack Paul 25 1994
Bisson Larry 20 2005
Gardeski Ralph 20 2004
Irwin Lynn 20 2005
Leslie Stew 20 2005
Nishi Ron 20 2005
Thurmeier Ed 20 2005
Brockway Graham 15 2010
Cheveldayoff Don 15 2008
Cowie Cec 15 2008
Craig Gordon 15 2010
Cutler Ken 15 2010
Gavrich Borden 15 2010
Harrison Ted 15 2006
Johnston Duane 15 2010
Ledene Gerry 15 2010
McDonald Phil 15 2010
McKillop Don 15 2010
Oishi Richard 15 2010
Schumack Clayton 15 2010
Tarves Chris 15 2010
Thorburn Rob 15 2003
Aris Brian 10 2013
Carratt Cal 10 2015
Corbiell Ray 10 2004
Finn Dave 10 2015
Hofer Elias 10 2015
Hollingsworth Mike 10 2015
Irwin Randy 10 2015
Karperien Dick 10 2015
Kennedy Bruce 10 2015
Kneebone Ron 10 2015
Kube Wayne 10 2015
Kuczma Ed 10 2015
Malacko Jim 10 2015
Melenka Owen 10 2014
Methuen Pat 10 2015
Muhlbach Dan 10 2014
Paukert Gary 10 2015
Schmidt John 10 2015
Seib Len 10 2015
Stewart Steve 10 2015
Vaillantcourt Dave 10 2015
Yancey Howie 10 2007

The Annual Terry Fox Run will be held on September 17. As Senator Patrick Burns’ school yard is under construction, they will be holding their Terry Fox Run at Triwood Community Centre. Please be aware we do not have access to the Triwood diamond during school hours on September 17.


Hi Everyone,

I would like to share the Following Message to Everyone in
A Division from your Division Rep
Wayne Gus Carlson.

“I would like to thank the managers and coach’s of all the Div A teams for their patience this season. and for the concerns and welfare of their teams and this Division.

Dodgers – Jim Strain and Tom Matthews
Brewers – John Schmidt and Denis Cote
Reds – Don Jorgensen and Tom Guppy
Tigers – Ron Osborne and Bruce Kennedy
Jays – Garth Border

And an extra thanks goes out to the umpires that were used this year
Tracy, A.J., Geoff, Ed, Phil,
and a big thanks to all the players

Wayne Gus Carlson Div A rep”

Well Said Sir !

Cheers All
Paul M
CSMS 55+


Hello League,
Well it’s been a wonderful ride, but with a heavy heart, I must announce that my 3-year term as a League Board Member, and specifically as the League’s Communication Director will now be coming to an end at the completion of this, the 2024 Season. (I will still be posting the few remaining messages right up to our GM on Wed Sept 18th)
I have been considering this now for most of this season and this decision wasn’t hurried or taken lightly.
But for several reasons, most importantly my Family, the time commitments, my work and also several injuries this season that have limited my playing time and also unfortunately but definitely influencing my decision, several AAA league member conflicts that I have been involved in, I have made the decision not to run again for a Board Position or return back to the League as a Player.
Over the last 3 years, I have come to know many of you quite well and I have always enjoyed an opportunity to chat with everyone while out at the games.
My League duties have allowed me to witness some great Softball games while taking so many Pictures during the last 3 years and I have been very fortunate to have been able to enjoy so many laughs and good times with so many of our league members and Fans as well.
I have always tried to do what is Best for the League, which includes All Divisions, something we all should be striving to do. This is a League after all.
And yes, during these past 3 years, there have been many sad occasions, such as when a League Member or former League Member have passed away. It always affected me deeply and I hope I was able to share those announcements respectfully and compassionately with the League for each and every member that we lost during my 3-year term. I tried my best to match the very wonderfully written and heartfelt Tribute posts that Gary Paukert used to post during his time as Communication Director.
And I want everyone to know, it has been an honour to have been allowed to take so many pictures of everyone during the last 3 years and to have been able to share all those Pictures with everyone in the League.
I have enjoyed Taking every single Picture!
And over the last 3 years, I hope you have enjoyed them as well.
I sincerely want to wish all the Best to Everyone in CSMS 55+.
And hopefully I will see you again one day on the Field of Play!!
Cheers All,
Paul McNeil
( Gone Fishing )
I leave you with a few of my Favorite Guys Quotes
1, Always go to other people’s funerals, otherwise they won’t come to yours.
2. We made too many wrong mistakes.
3. You wouldn’t have won if we’d beaten you.
- Yogi Berra.